It's time once again for the Oscars! In a historic year too. 'La La Land' has a whopping 14 nominations. Dev Patel is making genuinely great movies again. Amy Adams...wasn't nominated? Well one thing that's not historic...
Very High Half Price: Still very much worth your time, but probably better if you view it at a discount.
From the swinging 60s to the 2000s, Batman has lingered on throughout cinema. As a brand, it's one of the most...
Big Screen Watch: Every bit as enjoyable as the first film, with more to the world of John Wick to explore.
It’s easy to think that originality in Hollywood is dead. Case in point: Lego Batman. A movie based on...
Today is Valentine's Day. Unless you read this on a day which is not Valentine's Day. Such is the trouble with holiday related productions. Sort of loses its relevance after a 24 hour period. Regardless, every Valentine's...
Well talk about a nice change of pace. After weeks of a top 5 book-ended by 'Split', 'Hidden Figures' and 'La La Land', the box office finally got some new blood this week. Mind you, 'Split' and 'Hidden figures still...
Half Price: The movie falls apart in the third act, but MacAvoy saves it from irrelevance.
After you've been called the Spielberg of a new generation, it's hard not to fall below expectations. Still, M. Night...
Half Price: It had the potential to be great but it's mostly just fine.
I wasn’t around for the 1960s, but everything I’ve seen from the time period confirms two things. It was a great time for NASA, but a bad time for...
No this is not a review. Nor is it an article. This is the podcast I've been doing for the past few months, which has reached a nice groove where I think it's worth exposing to people. Basically, the podcast is a discussion of the weekly box office. Every week me, and Shawna, the other voice you're...